Waypoint: BMT14839

mile 148.56 / 🏕

Campsite near a tributary of Sycamore Creek.

Waypoint: ManganBranch854

mile 149.46 / 💧

Waypoint: ManganBranch956

mile 150.37 / 💧

Waypoint: GoldCoveBranch

mile 150.83 / 💧

Waypoint: BMT15044

mile 151.04 / 🏕

Waypoint: SycamoreCrCampSpur

mile 151.72 / Jct

East to a small campsite near pristine Sycamore Creek.

Waypoint: SycamoreRd

mile 153.25 / 🚗

Waypoint: WiggMeadow

mile 154.65 / 🅿️

Parking lot at east side of Wigg Meadow. There's a pond 0.2 miles west of the northwest end of the meadow. NE 100 yards to ruins.

Waypoint: BMT15774

mile 155.89 / 💧


Waypoint: BMTCherohalaI

mile 156.19 / 🅿️

Cherohala Skyway, Mud Gap.

Waypoint: BMT15819

mile 156.32 / 📷

Historical grave.

Waypoint: BMT15633

mile 156.64 / 📷

Waypoint: NRiverRd

mile 157.70 / 🚗

Waypoint: BMTCherohalaII

mile 158.65 / TH

Waypoint: UnicoiCrest

mile 158.70 / 🅿️

Cherohala Skyway.

Waypoint: BeechGapKilmer

mile 159.01 / Jct

BMT nobo joins FS217H.

Waypoint: ColdSpringGap

mile 160.76 / Jct

Waypoint: BMTFodderstack

mile 160.78 / Gap

Waypoint: StrattonBaldTr~54A

mile 161.87 / Jct

Waypoint: BMT18551

mile 161.95 / 💧


Waypoint: HaoeStratton

mile 163.08 / Jct

Haoe Lead Trail #53 and Stratton Bald Trail #54 join ad their termini.

Waypoint: BMTSlickrock

mile 163.61 / Jct

Slickrock Creek Trail goes west, Naked Ground Trail goes east.

Waypoint: BMT~HaoeN

mile 164.56 / Jct

Haoe Lead Trail #53.

Waypoint: SaddleTreeGap

mile 164.69 / Jct

E 0.24 miles to the Hangover, and excellent view.

Waypoint: BigFatGap

mile 167.34 / 🅿️

Waypoint: BMT16593

mile 167.65 / 💧

Spring in a depression on the east side of the trail.

Waypoint: BMTNicholsCoveS

mile 168.81 / Jct

Nichols Cove Tr No. 44 S jct with BMT #2. Windy Gap Trail.

Waypoint: BMT16750

mile 169.26 / 💧

Waypoint: BMTNicholsCoveTr

mile 169.64 / Jct

Yellowhammer Gap Tr No. 49, Nichols Cove Tr No. 44, BMT No. 2.

Waypoint: BMT16813

mile 169.89 / 💧

Waypoint: BMT16849

mile 170.25 / 💧

Waypoint: BMTIkeBranchS

mile 171.25 / Jct

Yellowhammer Gap Tr No. 49, BMT No. 2, Ike Branch Tr No. 45.

Waypoint: BMTIkeBranchTrN

mile 171.32 / Jct

Ike Branch Tr No. 45, Hangover Lead Tr 56, BMT No. 2.

Waypoint: BMTHangoverLeadTrN

mile 171.34 / Jct

Hangover Lead Trail No. 56, Belding Trail No. 52, BMT No. 2.

Waypoint: TapocoLodge

mile 172.95 / 🛏

http://tapocolodge.com/, (828) 498-2800, rooms and restaurant.

Waypoint: MeadowBranchRd

mile 173.16 / 🚗

Waypoint: BMT18001

mile 174.66 / 🏕

Waypoint: OldFieldGapRd

mile 174.84 / 🚗

Waypoint: BMT18033

mile 175.42 / Jct

Waypoint: BMT18093

mile 175.62 / 🚗

Waypoint: HalfmileBranchGap

mile 176.09 / Gap

Waypoint: BMT18231

mile 177.25 / Jct

East 0.3 miles to a campsite with water.

Waypoint: BMT18313

mile 177.71 / 🚗

End of old road section for BMT northbound.

Waypoint: BMT18309

mile 177.95 / 📷


Waypoint: BMT18337

mile 178.23 / ⚡️

Waypoint: KirklandGap

mile 178.47 / Gap

Waypoint: MicrowaveReflector

mile 179.91 / 📷

Waypoint: LookoutRock

mile 180.60 / 📷

Waypoint: GreenGap

mile 180.77 / Gap

Waypoint: BMT19031

mile 181.92 / Jct

Waypoint: ElmerHollow

mile 182.45 / Jct

Waypoint: WelchRdNC28

mile 182.98 / 🚗

Intersection of Welch Road with Nc. 28. W 800' to Fontana Pitstop, a gas station convenience store.

Waypoint: PanelBranch

mile 183.20 / 💧

Waypoint: LewellynCove~BMT

mile 184.01 / 💧

Waypoint: LewellynCoveLoop

mile 184.15 / Jct

Waypoint: GoldBranchTrN

mile 184.38 / Jct

Waypoint: GoldBranch

mile 184.80 / 💧

Waypoint: ATBMT6

mile 185.09 / 🚗

Dirt road, southern junction of the AT with the BMT near Fontana Dam.

Waypoint: NC28

mile 185.25 / 🚗

N.C. 28. East 6 miles to The Hike Inn,<http://www.thehikeinn.com/>, (828) 479-3677 . W 2 miles on Hwy 28/Fontana Road to Pitstop convenience store, adequate resupply, atm. Fontana Lodge (800) 849-2258,<http://www.fontanavillage.com/the-lodge/>.

Waypoint: FontanaRdBath

mile 185.27 / 🚽

Toilets, running water, soda machine.

Waypoint: FontanaHiltonTr

mile 186.67 / SJ

East 0.2 miles to Fontana Hilton shelter, running water bathroom.

Waypoint: FontanaDamW

mile 187.68 / 📷

Fontana Dam, west end. Get a permit from the park website,<https://smokiespermits.nps.gov/permitappatth.cfm>, read the rules, and use the bear cables. Dogs are not permitted in the park. Standing Bear Farm will board them, also<http://lovingcarekennels.net>and<http://ripplingwaterkennel.com>.

Waypoint: AT16738

mile 187.78 / 📷

Picnic area on Fontana Lake, tables, grills, trash receptacles.

Waypoint: LakeviewDr

mile 188.37 / Jct

Appalachian Trail reenters the forest after the road walk over Fontana Dam. Parking area. Benton MacKaye Trail departs the AT to rejoin it on Cammerer Ridge.

Waypoint: LakeshoreTrail

mile 188.40 / TH

Waypoint: BMT18743

mile 189.17 / 💧


Waypoint: BMT18777

mile 189.97 / 📷

Two old cars.

Waypoint: BMT18864

mile 190.85 / 💧


Waypoint: BirchfieldBr

mile 191.91 / 💧

Waypoint: BMT19023

mile 192.45 / 💧


Waypoint: BMTLostCove

mile 193.40 / Jct

Waypoint: Camp90

mile 193.83 / 🏕

Waypoint: BMTEagleCreek

mile 194.22 / Jct

Waypoint: Camp88

mile 197.04 / 🏕

Camp 88 in Possum Hollow, next to Shehan Branch.

Waypoint: HazelCreek

mile 198.42 / 🌉

West 0.2 on the Hazel Creek Trail to Camp 86.

Waypoint: HazelCreekS

mile 198.44 / Jct

Waypoint: LakeshoreOllieCove

mile 199.13 / Jct

Waypoint: LaurelBranch

mile 199.43 / 💧

Waypoint: Camp81

mile 201.59 / 🏕

Camp 81 on Mill Br.

Waypoint: CalhounBr

mile 202.54 / 💧

Waypoint: ChesquawBr

mile 204.23 / 💧


Waypoint: ClarkBr

mile 205.44 / 💧

Waypoint: Camp77

mile 205.51 / 🏕

Waypoint: PilkeyCr

mile 206.06 / 💧

Waypoint: BluffBr

mile 209.20 / 💧

Waypoint: Camp76

mile 210.06 / 🏕

Camp 76 on Kirkland Br.

Waypoint: Camp98

mile 212.25 / 🏕

Bridge over Chambers Cr, Camp 98.

Waypoint: GunterBr

mile 214.51 / 💧

Waypoint: JennyBr

mile 215.36 / 💧

Waypoint: GladyBr

mile 216.63 / 💧

Waypoint: Camp74

mile 218.17 / 🏕

Waypoint: BMTForneyCreek

mile 218.20 / Jct

Forney Creek Trail joins BMT.

Waypoint: CemeteryAccess

mile 219.01 / Jct

Waypoint: BMTWhiteoak

mile 219.15 / Jct

BMTl joins Whiteoak Branch Trail.

Waypoint: GoldmineBr

mile 219.88 / 💧

Waypoint: BMTGoldmine

mile 220.36 / Jct

Waypoint: TunnelBypassW

mile 220.45 / Jct

Waypoint: HyattBr

mile 220.61 / 💧

Waypoint: LakeshoreParking

mile 221.04 / 🅿️

Waypoint: TunnelBypassE

mile 221.07 / Jct