East to a small campsite near pristine Sycamore Creek.
Parking lot at east side of Wigg Meadow. There's a pond 0.2 miles west of the northwest end of the meadow. NE 100 yards to ruins.
Haoe Lead Trail #53 and Stratton Bald Trail #54 join ad their termini.
Slickrock Creek Trail goes west, Naked Ground Trail goes east.
Nichols Cove Tr No. 44 S jct with BMT #2. Windy Gap Trail.
Yellowhammer Gap Tr No. 49, Nichols Cove Tr No. 44, BMT No. 2.
Yellowhammer Gap Tr No. 49, BMT No. 2, Ike Branch Tr No. 45.
Hangover Lead Trail No. 56, Belding Trail No. 52, BMT No. 2.
http://tapocolodge.com/, (828) 498-2800, rooms and restaurant.
Intersection of Welch Road with Nc. 28. W 800' to Fontana Pitstop, a gas station convenience store.
N.C. 28. East 6 miles to The Hike Inn,<http://www.thehikeinn.com/>, (828) 479-3677 . W 2 miles on Hwy 28/Fontana Road to Pitstop convenience store, adequate resupply, atm. Fontana Lodge (800) 849-2258,<http://www.fontanavillage.com/the-lodge/>.
East 0.2 miles to Fontana Hilton shelter, running water bathroom.
Fontana Dam, west end. Get a permit from the park website,<https://smokiespermits.nps.gov/permitappatth.cfm>, read the rules, and use the bear cables. Dogs are not permitted in the park. Standing Bear Farm will board them, also<http://lovingcarekennels.net>and<http://ripplingwaterkennel.com>.
Appalachian Trail reenters the forest after the road walk over Fontana Dam. Parking area. Benton MacKaye Trail departs the AT to rejoin it on Cammerer Ridge.