Waypoint: ATBMT1

mile 0.24 / Jct

Benton MacKaye Trail leaves the Appalachian Trail.

Waypoint: ATBMT2

mile 1.30 / Jct

Benton MacKaye Trail crosses the AT.

Waypoint: ATBMT3

mile 1.92 / Jct

Benton MacKaye Trail crosses the AT.

Waypoint: StoverCrSpurN

mile 2.75 / Jct

East 100 yards to Stover Creek Shelter.

Waypoint: ATBMT4

mile 4.23 / Jct

Benton MacKaye Trail joins the AT northbound for about a mile.

Waypoint: ATBMT5

mile 5.21 / Jct

BMT departs the AT. W 0.1 miles to Long Creek Falls.

Waypoint: GoochGapSpur

mile 17.18 / Jct

East to Walden Creek.

Waypoint: WoodyGapSpur

mile 20.85 / Jct

West 0.2 miles to camping and a spring.

Waypoint: BigCedarSpur

mile 22.40 / Jct

Waypoint: DockeryLakeTr

mile 23.83 / Jct

Dockery Lake Trail jct with AT. Tenting nearby.

Waypoint: BirdGap2

mile 28.24 / Jct

From here the Freeman Trail leads parallel to the AT before rejoing the AT at 1.7 miles.

Waypoint: ATSlaughterCreekTr

mile 28.63 / Jct

West 200 feet to a spring.

Waypoint: DuncanRidgeAT

mile 29.08 / Jct

Junction of the 17 mile Duncan Ridge Trail with the AT.

Waypoint: FlatrockGap

mile 31.06 / Jct

Flatrock Gap. West 0.2 miles to water.

Waypoint: AT3610

mile 35.01 / Jct

Waypoint: HogpenSpringSpur

mile 39.00 / Jct

East 400' to a small spring.

Waypoint: ChattahoocheeGap

mile 48.86 / Jct

W 6 miles to via Jacks Knob Trail to Brasstown Bald, the highest mountain in Georgia.

Waypoint: AT5158

mile 50.32 / Jct

W to campsite

Waypoint: ATRockyMtnTrail

mile 54.55 / Jct

The AT joins the Rocky Mountain Trail. West 100 yards to camping.

Waypoint: AT7298

mile 71.45 / Jct

East 100 yards to water.

Waypoint: BlyCampSpur

mile 79.30 / Jct

Waypoint: ATRavenRockTr

mile 82.10 / Jct

Waypoint: WhiteOakStamp

mile 82.89 / Jct

Waypoint: ATChunkyGal

mile 83.15 / Jct

Chunky Gal Trail junction with the AT.

Waypoint: StandingIndianJct

mile 88.52 / Jct

E 0.1 miles to Standing Indian.

Waypoint: BeechGap

mile 91.39 / Jct

Beech Gap, junction of the AT with Beech Gap Trail, camping. W 0.1 miles on the Beech Gap Trail to a water source.

Waypoint: ATTimberRidgeTr

mile 94.16 / Jct

Waypoint: CarterGapWaterSpur

mile 94.53 / Jct

West 100 yards to a water source.

Waypoint: ATBearpenTr

mile 100.40 / Jct

AT joins Bearpen Trail near USFS 67.

Waypoint: AT10269

mile 100.86 / Jct

Spur trail west to FS 67

Waypoint: ATLongBranchTr

mile 103.94 / Jct

Junction of the AT with the Long Branch Trail. West 2 miles to Standing Indian Campground.

Waypoint: RockGapShelterN

mile 106.54 / Jct

Waypoint: ATSilerBaldTrN

mile 114.61 / Jct

East 0.6 miles to Siler Bald Shelter with camping, privy, water. The Siler Bald Shelter Trail is a 1.1 mile loop which rejoins the http://AT.West 0.2 miles to Siler Bald.

Waypoint: ATWilsonLickTr

mile 117.57 / Jct

Junction of the AT with the Wilson Lick Trail.

Waypoint: ATBartramS

mile 118.49 / Jct

Waypoint: AT12073

mile 118.73 / Jct

Waypoint: AT12209

mile 120.08 / Jct

Two track.

Waypoint: WayahParking

mile 120.27 / Jct

East 100 yards to a bathroom.

Waypoint: ATBartram

mile 120.93 / Jct

Bartram Trail leaves that AT.

Waypoint: RockyBaldLookoutTr

mile 128.04 / Jct

E 0.1 miles to Rocky Bald

Waypoint: AT13052

mile 128.38 / Jct

Blue blaze to water.

Waypoint: WesserSummitJct

mile 131.19 / Jct

Waypoint: WesserCreekSpur

mile 131.81 / Jct

Waypoint: AT14074

mile 140.23 / Jct

W 100 yards to a spring and campsites.

Waypoint: AT14295

mile 140.60 / Jct

Waypoint: CheoahBartram

mile 145.88 / Jct

Junction of the AT and Bartram Trail near Cheoah Bald.

Waypoint: BrownForkGap

mile 153.75 / Jct

E 100 yards to a spring.

Waypoint: WalkerGap

mile 162.53 / Jct

West 2.5 miles on the Yellow Creek Trail to Fontana Village.

Waypoint: AT16636

mile 163.88 / Jct

Waypoint: LakeviewDr

mile 168.24 / Jct

Appalachian Trail reenters the forest after the road walk over Fontana Dam. Parking area. Benton MacKaye Trail departs the AT to rejoin it on Cammerer Ridge.

Waypoint: ShuckstackTr

mile 171.57 / Jct

East 0.1 miles to Shuckstack summit firetower.

Waypoint: SassafrasGapSmokies

mile 171.93 / Jct

Junction of the AT with the Lost Cove Trail&Twentymile Trail.

Waypoint: BirchSpringGap

mile 172.84 / Jct

West 0.1 miles to a campsite and spring.

Waypoint: ATGregoryBaldTr

mile 174.98 / Jct

Junction of the AT with the Gregory Bald Trail.

Waypoint: AT~EagleCreekTrail

mile 184.08 / Jct

East 0.2 miles to Spence Field Shelter, 0.3 miles to a spring.

Waypoint: AT~BoteMtnTrail

mile 184.14 / Jct

W 0.1 miles to a piped spring.

Waypoint: ATJenkinsRidgeTr

mile 184.46 / Jct

Junction of the AT with the Jenkins Ridge Trail.

Waypoint: AT~GreenbrierRidge

mile 190.50 / Jct

Junction of the Greenbrier Ridge Trail with the AT, Sams Gap.

Waypoint: ATMireyRidge

mile 192.86 / Jct

Junction of the Miry Ridge Trail with the AT.

Waypoint: ATWelchRidge

mile 196.06 / Jct

Junction of the Welch Ridge Trail with the AT.

Waypoint: ATGoshenProngTr

mile 197.90 / Jct

Junction of the Goshen Prong Trail with the AT.

Waypoint: ATForney

mile 199.78 / Jct

Junction of the Forney Ridge Trail with the Appalachian Trail.

Waypoint: ATClingmans

mile 200.03 / Jct

Waypoint: ATClingmansN

mile 200.14 / Jct

E a short distance to Clingmans Dome.

Waypoint: ATForkRidgeTrail

mile 203.66 / Jct

Junction of the Fork Ridge Trail with the AT.

Waypoint: AT20589

mile 206.44 / Gate

Wire fence.

Waypoint: AT20598

mile 206.53 / Gate

Wire fence.

Waypoint: ATSweatHeifer

mile 209.43 / Jct

Waypoint: ATBoulevard

mile 210.44 / Jct

West 5 miles to Mt. LeConte, shelter.

Waypoint: IcewaterN

mile 210.75 / Jct

Waypoint: BunionLoopS

mile 211.66 / Jct

W 100 yards to Charlies Bunion outcrop.

Waypoint: BunionLoopN

mile 211.74 / Jct

W 100 yards to Charlies Bunion outcrop.

Waypoint: RealBunionSpur

mile 211.96 / Jct

Waypoint: ATDrySluice

mile 212.15 / Jct

Dry Sluice Gap Trail junction with the AT.

Waypoint: ATHughes

mile 218.08 / Jct

Hughes Ridge Trail junction with the AT. East 0.1 miles to a spring, 0.4 miles to Pecks Corner Shelter.

Waypoint: BalsamMtnTr

mile 223.31 / Jct

Balsam Mountain Trail junction with the AT.

Waypoint: ATSnakeDenRidge

mile 227.02 / Jct

Snake Den Ridge Trail junction with AT.

Waypoint: CamelGap

mile 229.29 / Jct

Camel Gap Trail junction with AT.

Waypoint: LowGapSmokies

mile 231.64 / Jct

Low Gap Trail junction with the AT.

Waypoint: CammererSummitTr

mile 233.74 / Jct

West 0.6 miles to Mt Cammerer observation tower.

Waypoint: ATLowerCammerer

mile 235.99 / Jct

Lower Cammerer Trail junction with the AT.

Waypoint: ATBMTN

mile 236.93 / Jct

Benton MacKaye Trail northern terminus at the AT.

Waypoint: HawksRockSpur

mile 250.70 / Jct

West 100 yards to a view.

Waypoint: ATBuckeyeRidgeTr

mile 255.73 / Jct

Buckeye Ridge Trail junction with the AT in an open meadow.

Waypoint: ATLoversLeapTr

mile 275.67 / Jct

Lovers Leap Trail junction with the AT.

Waypoint: PumpGap

mile 277.60 / Jct

Pump Gap Loop Trail, south junction with the AT.

Waypoint: ATPumpGapLoopS

mile 278.49 / Jct

East terminus of the Pump Gap Loop.

Waypoint: ATPumpGapLoopN

mile 278.52 / Jct

West side of the Pump Gap Loop, north junction with AT.

Waypoint: ATRoundtopRidgeTr

mile 282.03 / Jct

Roundtop Ridge Trail junction with the AT.

Waypoint: RichMtnSpur

mile 282.54 / Jct

West 0.2 miles to Rich Mtn.

Waypoint: BlackstackCliffsSpur

mile 297.33 / Jct

West 100 yards to a view.

Waypoint: ATJerryMillerTr

mile 297.51 / Jct

Jerry Miller Trail junction with the AT.

Waypoint: ATDavisSpringSpur

mile 299.36 / Jct

West 0.2 miles to a spring.

Waypoint: ATForkRidgeTr

mile 300.47 / Jct

Fork Ridge Trail junction with AT.

Waypoint: ATSarvisCoveTr

mile 301.87 / Jct

Sarvis Cove Trail junction with the AT.

Waypoint: HighRockSpur

mile 317.07 / Jct

West 0.1 miles to a view.

Waypoint: BigBaldBypass

mile 324.59 / Jct

Bypass leads east around Big Bald's open summit, mostly following a road through a housing development.

Waypoint: TempleHillGap

mile 339.38 / Jct

Temple Hill Gap Trail junction with the AT.

Waypoint: CurleyMapleGap

mile 347.56 / Jct

Old foundation.

Waypoint: AT35165

mile 354.74 / Gate