W 6 miles to via Jacks Knob Trail to Brasstown Bald, the highest mountain in Georgia.
The AT joins the Rocky Mountain Trail. West 100 yards to camping.
Junction of the AT with the Long Branch Trail. West 2 miles to Standing Indian Campground.
East 0.6 miles to Siler Bald Shelter with camping, privy, water. The Siler Bald Shelter Trail is a 1.1 mile loop which rejoins the http://AT.West 0.2 miles to Siler Bald.
Appalachian Trail reenters the forest after the road walk over Fontana Dam. Parking area. Benton MacKaye Trail departs the AT to rejoin it on Cammerer Ridge.
Junction of the AT with the Lost Cove Trail&Twentymile Trail.
East 0.2 miles to Spence Field Shelter, 0.3 miles to a spring.
Junction of the Greenbrier Ridge Trail with the AT, Sams Gap.
Buckeye Ridge Trail junction with the AT in an open meadow.
Bypass leads east around Big Bald's open summit, mostly following a road through a housing development.